By Grant Falk

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Back out & doing great

My mom usually helps me type, but she' s been so busy with work that she hasn't had time. Tax day has come & gone, thank goodness. With dad gone to Alaska and mom so busy with taxes and me with all my appointements, it's been pretty busy around here. I got stuck in the hospital for one week. My WBC came back all in one day again, so we "checked-out" that day. I've had a bunch of infusions of antibitics, and antibodies since then. But that's all been done at the SCCA downtown or at home. Not the hosptal.
The doctors say I'm doing great, but I feel pretty tired still. When I got out of the hospital I was sleeping all the time. It's a little better now, but I still feel tired a lot.
Cole drove me to the movies tonight. He got us a free movie at where he works. That's pretty cool. I have to stay away from crouds, but it wasn't a busy movie and we stayed away from all the people. I have to be able to do some stuff. I really want to go to a Mariner game, but it's too crouded there. I got tickets and everything, but I dont' think I get to go. I guess I have to stay out of the sun too. That's going to be hard during the summer months.
Anyway, I'm glad to be free again. I like my comfy new bed much better than the hospital beds.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Here we go again Back to Children's

Here we go.....I got an infection, so had to go back in to the hospital. I was hoping to be out already, but my white blood cell count is down again, so...............we wait!
Frankly, I'm getting pretty tired of waiting. I finally had a friend over to spend the night on Wed, and got a phone call from the P.A. (physition assistant) at 9pm to tell me something grew, so I have a bacteria infection. Probably in the Hickman line. Back to the nightmare.
I guess we were feeling pretty confident, since everything was going so well. Who knows what this all means, but I sure hope those wbc's will do there thing, and get with it. I just want to get back to normal, have some energy to play outside, and get on with my life. This is getting old.
My mom has been working like a mad woman, trying to get everyone's taxes done. My dad went to Alaska to go fishing and bring us home some money. My cousin Diana has been driving me a round. She's here from Utah. Jeanine's been here from Canada the past couple days, so my mom can work. We'll all just be happy when I get out of here!